Our Policy
Preserving the health and safety of company personnel, contractors, and neighboring communities, preserving equipment and installations, environment protection and sustainable development of our activities are all based on a risk prevention policy in accordance with the applicable regulations and HSE standards as well as the best practices in oil and gas industry.
We commit ourselves to assess, verify and continuously improve our service, our technologies, our industrial process and our procedures in order to permanently ensure the safety of persons and installation, quality and innovation at every stage of the exploration, development, production, storage and transport processes.
In this context, our commitments will be fulfilled by :
- Continuous improvement of HSSE culture.
- The « Zero accident » target is a company choice.
- Health and Safety, protection of the environment and ethics are all fundamental values for SEREPT and are considered as progress and motivation factors in an «INTERDEPENDENCE» mode where everyone considers his own safety and of the others as well.
- Compliance with SEREPT HSSE standards and code of conduct.
To implement our HSE policy, we have to :
- Strictly respect SEREPT HSSE charter of principles.
- Consider health, safety and environment as necessary requirements for SEREPT personnel and contractors while performing their tasks.
- Ensure the communication and comprehension of this policy and its principles by all SEREPT employees and contractors.
This policy is applicable to all SEREPT activities. Thus, all SEREPT personnel and contractors have to comply with and strictly apply this policy.
Our charter of principles
- 01- All accidents can be avoided.
- 02- Commitment and exemplary management in HSSE matters must be visible and perceptible at all levels of the organization.
- 03- Complying with the requirements of the applicable regulations and SEREPT HSSE standards, procedures and instructions.
- 04- The communication rituals regarding the HSSE awareness themes are indispensable.
- 05- All SEREPT and contractors’ employees are responsible for their own safety and that of the others.
- 06- Identifying and controlling the risks using the right prevention means.
- 07- HSSE trainings and habilitations are essential prerequisites.
- 08- Always respecting life-saving rules; safety is an employment requirement.
- 09- Think before to act (Step 5x5).
- 10- Detect and correct immediately any unsafe act or condition.
- 11- Reporting and investigating on all incidents immediately.
- 12- HSSE audits and visits are required within continuous improvement dynamics.
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