General management representation statement

SEREPT explores for and extracts petroleum in Tunisia, as a subsidiary of PERENCO and ETAP. Its responsibility is to produce petroleum to provide energy for the growing economy of the country. The company’s development in recent years has been characterized by sustainability. Our strategy is ambitious and demands outstanding performance and a high level of commitment combined with enthusiasm for shaping trends and setting the pace.

The cornerstones of our strategy are the continuation of our sustainable petroleum output to above 10,000 boepd and additional resources in our area of operations.

We have set clear economic targets for ourselves and we are committed to achieving these goals in a value-oriented culture.

To this end, we have laid down the basic principles that govern all of our actions in this Code of Conduct.

Our Code of Conduct is based on our values and it is the central document of the company how we are to complete our tasks, implement our strategy, and achieve our operational and economic goals.

We are committed to implementing corporate responsibility in our company by means of a comprehensive and continual process, which includes embodying this responsibility in our strategy, defining measurable criteria, setting u p ma n a g eme n t s y s t ems and defining fundamental principles, standards and guidelines. On behalf of the Board of Directors,the General Management has drawn up these fundamental principles as an expression of its understanding of sustainability, namely taking economic and ecological aspects and social responsibility into account in all of our 02 Code of Conduct decision-making processes and in all of our activities.

A key aspect in integrating these principles into our daily business is creating the necessary awareness and willingness to make the requisite changes in attitude.

We will consider this need in our training plans and staff development.

The complexity of our business, its influence on the environment and the resulting expectations of the general public are all increasing.

As a forward-looking company, we place a high value on transparency and active dialogue with our shareholders, employees, contractors, government and interest group representatives, non-governmental organizations and the general public.

To SEREPT, growth does not preclude corporate responsibility, on the cont rary, CR i s an indispensable management tool because sustainable business success can only be ensured when it is achieved taking the environment, health, safety, security, consumer interests and the living conditions of people in our areas of activity into account.

Especially the actions that we take under critical and difficult conditions should be oriented towards universally recognized values. Our Code of Conduct was drawn up internally in collaboration with various stakeholders, mainly our partners.

We will welcome statements , input and suggestions for improvements from internal and external persons as an opportunity to improve our Code of Conduct and to better achieve our goals.

Our code of conduct



HSSE Policy : Presentation of our Health, Safety, Security and Environment Policy.
Code of Conduct : Presentation of our Code of conduct depicting the values and principles of our society.


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